Rapidpro - Integrations data change

Hello. I have a doubt:

We would like to change the phone number associated with all our social media handles (WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram). I wanted to know how this would impact on our connection. Would there be any challenges with that? Would this make us reintegrate all channels?


1 curtida

About whatsapp, yes. The integration is associated with the number, if your chip number has changed, you need to create a new integration.

About telegram, you don’t use numbers for bots on telegram, so you won’t have a problem. You can create multiple bots in multiple projects.

About Viber, I recommend taking a look at the channel’s documentation, as it is not used so much

If it does, please mark it as a solution :slight_smile:

1 curtida

I found that Telegram you can change the ownership through Botfather and viber you can change the number by:
Select “Settings.” Tap on “Account.” This will launch a new page with the account settings menu. Tap on “Change Phone Number.” This will allow you to replace your old number on your Viber account. Tap on “Continue” under “New phone number.”
But it’s not clear if it will affect the integration.

I believe that if your Auth Token doesn’t change when the number is changed, it doesn’t interfere with the integration. However, I suggest that you open a ticket with our Product team, as they will have a more targeted response about channel integration.

1 curtida